Sunday 1 May 2011

A bit of blog admin stuff:

Drafts of posts...
When I am checking out the edit post section (to add labels when they have been left off), Sometimes there are drafts of posts which I am not sure are there because you are coming back to them or because you needed help to get them to publish. I know sometimes blogger is a bit difficult to get it to do what you want.

If you look above the title box where you compose your posts, you can see a tab that says Edit Posts. If you click that, you can see if you have any draft posts you think you may have 'lost'. You can either edit them or complete them and publish them, or you can choose to delete them. Some of them have some interesting things in them and I wouldn't like the others to miss out!

If you need help at any time for posting, just send me an email. You can click on Sandy in the list of members and it will bring up my profile with a link to my email.