A new month! And at last we have sun here in the UK. Well, as it is a Bank Holiday, it has changed to rain, but still...it is warmer.
Speaking of Bank Holidays. Here in the UK, we have a very long weekend because of the Celebrations for the Queen's Jubilee - Celebrating 60 years on the throne. And, whether you are a royalist or not, there is a lot to admire about a Woman who has been through so much in her life and is still going strong in her late 80's.
So, in honour of our Queen's Jubilee Celebrations, I thought we could use Queen/King or Princess/Prince for the prompt for June. Or really anything with noble connections if you haven't got access to something royal in actuality. For instance, there are plenty of plants and flowers with names containing royal titles. Other countries you may have visited could have had crowns carved into the architecture.
In a sense, it isn't particularly an opposite, so you don't have to post both a king AND a queen. You can leave it to be a theme on it's own. But if you do find an image which would show the opposite aspect to Queen/King, it would be fun to see it.
What can you come up with? I have been doing the touristy thing with my sister, so I have found quite a few unusual things to photograph. Maybe I will try to think outside the box and post something quite unexpected.
For now I will leave you with a crown from the architecture on one of the buildings in Cambridge.
Please use Queen/King for the label when you post - even if you end up posting something a bit more tenuously connected. It makes it easier to find everything when searching the blog.